Your [SM] Transformation 03 Part 2: Cultivating, Planting, Watering, & Harvesting Personal Transformation

Cultivate Your Best Self
7 min readJan 19, 2024



Building on the gardening analogy from the previous post, where we discovered that Cultivation Missions should stem from your aspirational identity and values, this post dives into the ‘how’ of achieving them.

What are your biggest challenges when taking on something you want to accomplish or grow into? Do you follow a similar process? Have you found a more effective method? Is there something you would improve about this process? Your feedback is welcome!

In this process, I want to emphasize that the focus should be on the process here, or the “watering” of your seeds; the small consistent actions that reaffirm the identity you’re cultivating. Don’t think of this in terms of success or failure. There is only continuous learning and growth. When you focus on watering your seeds, your garden will naturally mature into something you can harvest and enjoy. The stronger your desire for an aspirational identity, the more you’ll naturally want to continue putting in the effort. It almost becomes a need.

Remember that it takes time. Delayed gratification (something I want to explore in more depth in the future) is difficult in practice, but some of the world’s most successful people understand it’s significance. Like a garden, the seeds you plant will take different amounts of time to fully mature. But, as you continue to plant seeds and nurture different areas of your life you’ll discover that you’re naturally better at growing certain sections. You may choose to focus on those sections, or work on the sections you’re not-so-good at and become more well-rounded. The possibilities are infinite. The choice is yours.

This guide is developed from what I believe to be some of the most critical aspects from a combination of several experts who have great insight into the world of goal setting, effective productivity, and personal growth. Even I am continuously evolving the more I learn. It’s here to give you an idea of one process for the start of your “Cultivate Your Best Self” journey:

Level 0 — Planning Your Cultivation Mission

You’re going to write down these 4 main things in Level 0:

  • Define your aspirational identity
  • Choose values that align with your mission
  • Intended outcome of the mission
  • The very next action you need to take to move your mission forward

Level 0 exists because anyone can have cultivation missions and anyone can plan a cultivation mission, it’s not until you take action that you actually make it to Level 1, which is where the real fun begins

Because life can get busy here’s what I propose: I want you to do your best to take no more than 5–10 mins on the four following steps to get started. You can always refine them later when you choose to spend your time refining them.

Until you have an understanding of your Aspirational Identity & Values, the statistical likelihood of sticking to your cultivation mission(s) is very low. So let’s maximize your potential by following these Level 0 steps to get to Level 1:

Step 1: Aspirational Identity

  • Who do you truly want to become?
  • Example: I truly want to become a writer who consistently writes about topics that will make an impact on others. A person who pays it forward by sharing a successful process that maximizes the potential of accomplishing desired cultivation missions

Step 2: Values

  • Write down 1–3 values you truly believe in, that align with what you want to accomplish:
  • Example: Personal Growth & Impact
  • Personal Growth — an essential value required to be well-rounded and an overall great leader
  • Impact — an essential value that contributes to the reach a great leader can have

Step 3: Outcome

  • Write down what your intended outcome is
  • Example: After a period of about 6 months of writing one article a week, I will then feel confident in calling myself a writer. As a bonus, the longer I stay a writer, the better chance I have of growing a community of individuals seeking ways to cultivate growth in themselves. This community will be one that lifts each other up and provides feedback and ideas related to the topics discussed in my writing. This outcome will be the desired result for the impact I intend to have and will reinforce the desire I have to continue writing and being a writer

Step 4: Action

Write down the first action you need to take to move your mission forward. This small step is crucial for momentum and transitioning to Level 1.

  • Example: Brainstorm and write down the talking points for the next article!

Level 0 Benefits:

Some of us are put off but the effort it will take to accomplish something as a whole. We’re put off physically, mentally, and sometimes even emotionally.

This level provides the most bang for your buck. These 4 steps will lead to enhanced control, relaxation, focus, and motivation (even if it’s just a little) to take action on your cultivation mission rather than continuing to think and stress about how you’re going to get there.

Strong Internal beliefs, acquiring a clearer picture of an outcome, and knowing the next action required to reach that outcome provides a stronger desire to commit to the mission.

These four steps break it down simply and effectively enough to give momentum to your growth journey.

Note: Writing things down (or even typing them out somewhere where you can refer back to them) makes your cultivation mission(s) more tangible. Research has shown time and time again that there are benefits to writing things down, so please, don’t just think about it, write it down and refer to it often! Even better frame it!

Level 1 — Systems & Processes

Step 1: Take that first action

  • Taking that first action you identified in Level 0 is vital for entering Level 1
  • Example: It’s 8pm and my wife went to bed. I spend 30 mins — 1 hour brainstorming and writing out talking points for my next article

Step 2: Identify a System & Process

  • Choose the best time and location that you’ll most consistently be able to identify and implement the very next action
  • Example: At 8pm, with my wife winding down from the day in bed, my command center (dining space desk) whispers my name. Choosing this quiet hour as my daily writing routine, I identify my next task and dive in.
  • Take note of the things that might make taking action difficult (friction) and find ways to reduce them or work around them. The aim here is to reduce friction in order to make your small consistent actions easier.
  • Example: Wednesdays and Saturdays are quality time days with my wife and Sundays are meal prep and laundry days. Monday, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are open for writing and other cultivation missions. Sometimes Saturday mornings can be spent getting ahead on my writing cultivation mission, (after a workout)

Level 2 — Consistent Effort = Consistent Progress

  • Continue to evolve and adapt as things change. You may find that some days, early morning is better than evenings to take that small action that moves you one step closer to harvesting your cultivation mission. There may be periods where family or personal health obligations take priority. That’s ok, as soon as you’re able, you jump right back into the process you laid out. This is a journey of personal growth, not a hard fast rule you must live by.
  • Revisit the plan you initially created as often as you feel you need to and refine it if you have to. Let it serve as your reminder for why you want to continue cultivating your best self
  • Set weekly, monthly, or quarterly milestones. Find little ways to celebrate your progress, whether it’s sharing your growth with your significant other, family, friends, or social media.

Level 3 — Enjoying the Fruits of Your Labor

  • Once you get to a point that aligns with what your intended outcome was from Level 0 Step 3, reflect on the journey you’ve had.
  • Who you were you when you started?
  • Who are you now?
  • Does that align with the aspirational identity and values you defined in Level 0?
  • Over the course of this journey you will exhibit rare qualities like discipline, effort, personal accountability, commitment, and dedication. You did this through your desire to cultivate your best self. That’s a HUGE win that deserves praise and celebration.
  • You can now choose to maintain or evolve from your new aspirational identity, grow in more ways, or identify new areas of your life you’d like to cultivate. The choice is yours but you now have the framework you need to do just that.


Level 0 — Planning Your Cultivation Mission

  • Step 1: Define your Aspirational Identity
  • Step 2: Choose Values for your Cultivation Mission
  • Step 3: Intended Outcome of your Cultivation Mission
  • Step 4: The Very First Action

Level 1 — Systems & Processes

  • Step 1: Take that first action
  • Step 2: Identify a System & Process

Level 2 — Consistent Effort = Consistent Progress

Level 3 — Enjoying the Fruits of Your Labor

Next Time on CYBS

We’re going to explore some key components to effective self-management I’ll refer to as PDA. No, I don’t mean kissing in public. I’m referring to Prioritization, Distractions, & Allocation. You hear about these all the time and they are the most often referred to things to work on, but I want to share why most of the advice out there doesn’t help. Until next time, keep cultivating!



Cultivate Your Best Self
Cultivate Your Best Self

Written by Cultivate Your Best Self

My writing aims to explore the benefits of cultivating Self-Management, Personal Knowledge Management, and Money Management skills.

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